Monsoon Season in the Sonoran Desert

Bonjour there. It’s the Monsoon Season in the Sonoran Desert. There are many random storms that come out of nowhere and populate the desert skies. But all of the sudden, they're gone again. They've drifted on. While they are here, they can dump a lot of rain quickly! I don't think it does much good, does it, because it’s still a desert.
But the best thing is, that sometimes, the clouds look just like me. Yes, I know, it’s amazing. You know, I can have a stormy temperament... as a terrier. I wonder how they know that? Well, there’s this concept, I’ll teach it to you: It’s called Pareidolia, and it means seeing faces in unusual places. It’s passed down from ancient ancestors to us terriers. I think it was all about being able to see your predators hiding in the bushes, or something. Terriers use this all the time. Do people? Maybe not so much. Which is why you should copy me!


113 degrees in the desert!


What if…just sayin’.