Bonjour! HowdyDo! Write your story and send a gift!

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Releasing your inner storyteller.

These days it’s easy to find the thoughts of others everywhere you look. But sometimes, it’s harder to find your own. We all have poetry and magic hidden away inside of us. So how do we get it out where others can appreciate it? Many times, we need to find something outside of ourselves to draw out our feelings. If we have a spontaneous thought, how can we be sure it’s good enough? Practice. Just the act of writing down the thoughts that come up can be the first steps on a pathway that gets easier the further we go.

It’s hard to see your true self as a reflection in a mirror, and it’s hard to hear your true thoughts until you express them for awhile. Bonjour HowdyDo can help start a process that can go anywhere and connect your true self to those you care about. It’s not just another card with someone else’s sentiment, it’s something that you make your very own. Every card will be different because everyone is an individual with important things to say.