Behind the scenes: Winter in May!

Bonjour there! It’s winter…again. Yes, just as it’s really heating up outside, we have to go thinking about winter. Well, that’s how it is here. Busy, busy, busy. So here’s a little look at putting the finishing touches on a winter art print. All the work is done in the computer, so you are watching the “fake”, er, magical paint brush painting little details at the end of the project. I think you’ll find it’s truly genius. Maybe. Uh oh, the video melted. Too much time in the sun. Here’s a pic:

Actually, it’s better to do the winter work now because we live in the desert. So thinking about winter is like taking a nap on an ice cube. Well, I guess you have to be here to get that, but I’ll fry an egg on the sidewalk for you next month and you’ll want me to move over so you can have some of the ice cube for yourself!


What if…just sayin’.


To Everyone