Not on my yard

Bonjour there. I hope your July is a lot of fun. Because I’m on heightened alert here in Arizona, and at least you’ll be having a good time. It’s Monsoon Season here. I know, no one gets what that is. So here’s what happens: You’re just having a great moment in your yard hunting for bird poop, or sniffing the neighbor’s barbecue, or even sneaking a mouthful of grass. Then…here comes the storm. Over the hill, right at your yard full of fun activities. Dust, wind, rain like bullets, thunder and lighting, all mixed together. Great. Another heightened alert. That’s when I get really scary. I scare it off while it’s trying to make its way to where I live. Sometimes it works and I get it to BACK OFF! Ok, once in awhile it wins, but I have the last laugh because I get to Monsoon Surf in the wind!! And what dog can resist a mouthful of wind?


A nose for a new season!

