Whaley New Year 23

A picture of me looking so cool in my really cool personal sub.

Yup. Not playing ball with anything that doesn’t look really silly.

Bonjour there. You may be wondering why I’m under the sea with a whale for New Year’s. So I have a new personal submarine with an arm on it. I built it myself. Well, my humans did. Anyway, that’s just like me doing it, right? Well then, why something that looks like a submarine that’s just come out of an old James Bond movie? How am I going to play ball with a whale if I don’t have a thing that’s out of an old James Bond movie? What whale would want to play with anything less cool? So that brings us back to the original question, why am I under the sea with a whale for the New Year? Ok, I think I ate too much figgy pudding and I’m talking in circles. I’ll catch you next year, better go lie down and finish watching Thunderball now.


What happens behind everyone’s back in January…in Arizona


A small problem with a Christmas gift!