Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Welcome to Spring! Almost.

Bonjour there. Well, Spring will soon pop up all around us and we want to celebrate it with a new card, but we really want to get out on a lot of walkies and start enjoying some tasty bugs in the back yard. But, we are supposed to roll out a card, so we have to talk about that.
You see below, some examples of writing on the cards and in the future, we’ll show more examples of how the cards work together with words to make a unique gift. So, no more about me, er, umm, us, it’s all about the card:

You can use as many or few words as you like. It’s really up to you. Oh, and it’s ready for pre-order now, ready to ship in early March.

From the front of the card.

From the back of the card.

The front and back shown together.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Walking Birds

Bonjour there. Today I’m talking about walking birds. The walking birds are rude. When I'm in my yard, or in my house in the morning, the walking birds come into my yard uninvited. I have to watch them from the background. My people won't let me escort them away personally, so I ask them to leave from a distance. They should have the manners to request a visit before dropping in. They snoop all over my lawn and even on my patio. Then, they sit on the wall or walk around the yard and yell to each other. Maybe that's why they don't listen to me, they are too busy yelling at each other. They bring their kids too.

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Susan Jouflas Susan Jouflas

Why we run in our dreams . . . from a few days ago (yawn)

Bonjour there. A few days ago, I told you that I would analyze my dreams and tell you what we dogs dream about. So at least I can tell you that there is a reason why we run in place when we are dreaming. Above, I have captured the evidence for it. We run in place because we have to catch everything that is coming at us in that spot. You know, before we can move on. If we run ahead, then we leave behind the good stuff that we can get if we just run in place. That's patience, something my people are trying to teach me about. So I'm practicing in my dreams, that's how good I am. I think some people practice piano in their dreams, but that sounds boring. I'd run ahead if that's all I had to dream about.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

I’m going to dream for you.

Bonjour there. Since it’s cold outside, I mean, 50 degrees, that’s cold! I'm going to hibernate now, for a day or so, and I'm going to dream for you. What I mean is that I'm going to report back after I have one of my dreams. I heard my people asking each other what I could be dreaming about. I guess they see me do it, so i'm going to watch it myself and tell you what it really is next week when I talk to you again. Curious, that people like to watch me when I sleep. I must be really cute or smell good or something. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

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Susan Jouflas Susan Jouflas

Tee hee, faked him out . . .

Bonjour there. I thought I should show you one of my strategies. It's called the fly fake out. I think you'll agree that it's brilliantly elegant. So simple. Just take a look for yourselves. You can copy me if you want to;)

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

My Math. It’s logical.

Bonjour there. I bring this to you for the sake of education. You know, so you can understand me a little better. I'm sure you'll like it. You can get it, right?

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

My outdoor gear, or, The Coyote Protection Plan.

Bonjour there.

I should probably remind you that I live in a desert with a lot of weird cactus. And of course there are a lot more animals here than you might think. Like coyotes. We have them in our neighborhood. Well, you can’t choose your neighbors. Here’s what I like to do when the coyotes start thinking they can move in on me for a quick snack. Have a bite of this. Have a nice trip to the coyote dentist. You have to be tough, right?

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Looking back so we can look forward.

We got around in 2021. We really traveled pretty far, here are some of our favorite images. We are busy making travel plans for 2022. We’re thinking up a lot of new and fantastic ideas, so we hope you’ll come along with us on our journeys into imagination!

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Susan Jouflas Susan Jouflas

A New Year full of possibilities

Bonjour from the outer limits. I’m off exploring new ideas for the new year. But, I’m considerate. I don’t want you to worry about me, so I’ll telling you that I’m not actually lost in space, just focused. You know, it’s a terrier thing. So I’ll see you soon after I get back from my star trek. Kinda clever writing, huh!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

My secret is safe.

Bonjour there. I'm talking from under their bed today. That's my safe place. It's where I keep my REALLY secret stash. I have them fooled. Even my companion, the “Other One.” I play with my new toys on top of the bed. But then I sneak down under the bed to play with my best stuff. Socks that have been worn. Bits of leaves that I sneak in. Sometimes underwear. I even got a nightgown. Funny how my stash always disappears. That's why I have to go get more all the time. but I really have them all fooled. That's the best part.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Silent night

Bonjour! HowdyDo! wishes you a peaceful Christmas. Thank you for coming along with us on our journey! We hope to have a lot of fun next year!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

I just want to go hunt for pill bugs.

This is what I look like for half an hour after I have to go see the people with the table and combs. I like to see them at first, but then they spend a lot of time and soap and brushes on me. I get to have cookies so it's ok, I guess. I still can't understand why my people get so oooie and awwwie when they see me this way. I have them fooled though. I'm acting like I'm not thinking about anything, but when I get home, I'm going to find some rabbit poop in the yard and eat it!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

New Shoes!

Bonjour there. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I stopped at the groomer after shoe shopping. So here they are, my new shoes. Don't you love them? I decided I could have beauty and utility all wrapped up into one set of shoes.

Utility points: They keep me off the very hot ground, very important in the Sonoran Desert. I can see what is coming because I'm taller, taller, taller. I can kick coyotes patoot because they are heavy. I can squash bugs before they get into my coat. Other dogs are jealous.

Beauty points: They are PINK. They have STARS. I am TALLER. Other dogs are JEALOUS.

It’s not too late to shop the bundles, cards and art prints, but they still don’t have any shoes.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

I'm out shopping. Sorry.


Hi there. I'm out shopping today so I can't talk right now. I'll show you what I come up with tomorrow. Which way would YOU go? Practical or glam? Tough choice, right?

Yes, and you might find some last minute gift ideas in the Bonjour! HowdyDo! Collection, but not shoes.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

I never met a toy I didn't like, OR, what’s important in dog toys:

Bonjour there. I put out all of my toys so you could see them. Most of them are fuzzy like me. But they are also like the bedding and the furniture and the pillows too. Sometimes it's hard to know what's a toy and what is people clothing. But I think I'm getting it figured out, so now I get to play with my toys alone in rooms with no supervision. Now here’s the insider advice: I like to kill my toys over and over again. I shake them to death and eat their heads off (sometimes.) I can usually get my people to shake them with me. I like to have the last shake because I want the carcass for myself. I'm smart that way. By the way, it’s always way more fun to destroy really expensive toys.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

My Advice for toys on a tight budget.

Howdy. I’m “The Other One.” She doesn’t really believe that I can talk because I just bark at her, Miss Hoity-toity, the Wire Fox Terrier. So before she comes back to tell you all about what’s important in a dog toy, I'm here to tell you that, really, the best toys are the cheap ones! Just check out my moves in the little video. Hoity-toity! Oh she has to have the “good” toys. Oops, I can’t talk anymore, here she comes. Shhh! You didn’t hear it from me. I’m just a Lakeland Terrier with a big mouth who barks.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Birdbarians at the wall

Bonjour there. I guess you can see what I'm up against. Birds. Hordes of them. They want to come into the yard. They poop and drink water and make noise. They eat all of the interesting stuff that I want to keep for my garage sales. bits of bug, tiny leaves, stuff like that. They are depleting my resources, so they can't come in. I have to keep them out. The one think that I have going for me is that I can scare them all off at once. They all fly back to the wall and so all I have to do is start at them. It's a stare down. But who cares because what else do I have to do if my people are staring down their computers and iphones. See, I learned it from them!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Post Garage Sale Update! Important!

Bonjour there. So I sold all my garage sale stuff to a Golden Doodle for a really good stinky stick! This is great because it will stink up the whole house! I love to share with my family… a little. For those of you who don't know what a stinky stick is, you are really missing out! They are like a stick crossed with a dead animal. It's all the best in life rolled up into one tough, sinewy, lovely stick. Better than cookies. My people give me these, though not every day, and I know why: They are hoarding them for themselves. I think they get them at the store of great smells, where everything is for me.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Working (it) dog

Bonjour. I have a lot of extra stuff that someone could really use. I collected all of it and now I'm helping my people by selling it! So I’m ready with my garage sale and open for pre Cyber Monday business! What a generous idea! I wonder what price I should ask?I’ll be letting you in on a few shopping strategies in the coming days! I know, I’m too nice.

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