Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

What happens behind everyone’s back in January…in Arizona

Behind almost everyone’s back.

Bonjour there. I was keeping my eye on those chips. There were mine as soon as the humans were watching TV. I had it all planned out brilliantly. I even figured out how to open the kitchen trash can without anyone knowing! I know, it’s true genius. Okay, but I made a mistake. I forgot the competitors. And, one of the humans surprised me and took the garbage out before I could stall him with my cuteness. So…I missed out. This time. I think the moral of this story is that you can’t forget the Javalinas in life and you have to keep your cuteness ready in case of emergencies.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Whaley New Year 23

A picture of me looking so cool in my really cool personal sub.

Yup. Not playing ball with anything that doesn’t look really silly.

Bonjour there. You may be wondering why I’m under the sea with a whale for New Year’s. So I have a new personal submarine with an arm on it. I built it myself. Well, my humans did. Anyway, that’s just like me doing it, right? Well then, why something that looks like a submarine that’s just come out of an old James Bond movie? How am I going to play ball with a whale if I don’t have a thing that’s out of an old James Bond movie? What whale would want to play with anything less cool? So that brings us back to the original question, why am I under the sea with a whale for the New Year? Ok, I think I ate too much figgy pudding and I’m talking in circles. I’ll catch you next year, better go lie down and finish watching Thunderball now.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

When I think about it…


Bonjour there. I hope you’re starting a Merry Holiday Season! I had to stop and put on my thinking cap. Or maybe it’s just the glasses that make me look so smart. Well, whatever. Anyway, I’m trying to be smart this season, so I’m buying bundles. Well, oops, I’m supposed to say that we’re selling bundles. Hard. Well, maybe it’s just enough to look at me with glasses on and you’ll catch my smarts.

I think I just messed up this message. Oh well, you get what I mean. You know. Right?

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Time for a feast! Time to get together with family and friends. To be thankful for all the nuts that we have! Tomorrow is soon enough to go after the nut that we don’t have yet.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Boo there…again.

Well, here we are again. Our second Halloween, and we’ve brought back… the message from last year. In honor of our first Halloween. We’re sentimental that way, and, we got too busy…er…yep, we’re sentimental, that’s it! So enjoy…again. Have a happy day from our house to your house. You know, it’s still true. He stole all of my treats again.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Practice makes perfect for Halloween

Boo there. Again.

Wow, now we've added an art print to our Halloween project for '22! It's shown here, in our (my) home so you can see what it looks like hanging up, right? Well, remember, I'm a little dog, and this is 14 inches by 11 inches. Ok, I exaggerated the size a bit, but just for you;)'s going live on the store in a couple of minutes. So you can get one for your own and practice for Halloween now!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

It’s beginning to look a lot like that time of year

Well, here’s the actual card, featuring me in color. So, now you can see how much space you have to write. About me. Ok, maybe you can write about whatever you want, but if you need a starting place, there’s always…me. I mean, you could even write about exactly what is making that shadowy thing. Not me!
I even think it could be really good to just say you are sending caramel-corn dog biscuits to your family or friends. That always works! Merry start to that time of year.

Front of card

EEK, what’s THAT?

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Fall for it

Bonjour there.

Well, here we are, it’s almost the start of Fall. Really, might as well call it, it’s Fall. It’s even Halloween in Costco and every place where they’re trying to sell you all that stuff. But I won’t do that until it’s actually time to think about Halloween. Nice, huh! Even when you still have some great weather, it’s different now. The sun is staring at you from a different angle, kind of. But the summer was great. I say that because I think it was great out there. It was very hot here. But it is always hot. So this is kind of like the end of winter here. Why? Because we stay in, we hybernate, we hydrate and we only come out at night and early in the morning. So now, we’re starting to wake up and go outside in the SUN again. We won’t get fried to a crisp in a minute.

Well, now that I’ve called Fall, I’ll link to the new Fall cards! Clever, huh!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

113 degrees in the desert!

Bonjour there,
Ok, when it's this hot at my house, what do you think I'm going to do? Play? Ask to play outside? Bug my people to take me on a walk? Well I have more sense than that. They can spend their time trying to fry eggs on the patio in the sun. (So silly, but it works!) I can get through it beautifully. I just go to sleep under the bed and when I walk up it's time for dinner and my cookies, right? It’s ok, you can copy me.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Monsoon Season in the Sonoran Desert

Bonjour there. It’s the Monsoon Season in the Sonoran Desert. There are many random storms that come out of nowhere and populate the desert skies. But all of the sudden, they're gone again. They've drifted on. While they are here, they can dump a lot of rain quickly! I don't think it does much good, does it, because it’s still a desert.
But the best thing is, that sometimes, the clouds look just like me. Yes, I know, it’s amazing. You know, I can have a stormy temperament... as a terrier. I wonder how they know that? Well, there’s this concept, I’ll teach it to you: It’s called Pareidolia, and it means seeing faces in unusual places. It’s passed down from ancient ancestors to us terriers. I think it was all about being able to see your predators hiding in the bushes, or something. Terriers use this all the time. Do people? Maybe not so much. Which is why you should copy me!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

What if…just sayin’.

Bonjour there! Well, it’s time for Dad. I think he’s the last holiday, right? Well, maybe not, but anyway, you can’t forget about him just because you’ve got to get to your barking as a second language class or something. I’m just saying, you can’t think about him later, because what if you can’t get the soap on a rope or something? You can write him a nice coyote card though. Yes, I know, you have to stop and think about how to say something surprising, but you can do that, right? Dad should be really worth it!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Behind the scenes: Winter in May!

Bonjour there! It’s winter…again. Yes, just as it’s really heating up outside, we have to go thinking about winter. Well, that’s how it is here. Busy, busy, busy. So here’s a little look at putting the finishing touches on a winter art print. All the work is done in the computer, so you are watching the “fake”, er, magical paint brush painting little details at the end of the project. I think you’ll find it’s truly genius. Maybe. Uh oh, the video melted. Too much time in the sun. Here’s a pic:

Actually, it’s better to do the winter work now because we live in the desert. So thinking about winter is like taking a nap on an ice cube. Well, I guess you have to be here to get that, but I’ll fry an egg on the sidewalk for you next month and you’ll want me to move over so you can have some of the ice cube for yourself!

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Hi, I'm in the desert

I live in the Sonoran Desert. so that means I go out with my people on desert walks. We are very careful. We go early before it's too hot. So we get up at 4 a.m. or something. We carry water, food, toys, cookies, first aid, poop bags, cookies, a sun coat for me, my pretty pink harness, my purple leash, and cookies. We watch for snakes, coyotes, bugs, scorpions, javelinas, mountain lions, bobcats, vultures, eagles, hawks, and running out of cookies.I stopped in front of this really big rock. I like rocks, but I can't get this one into my mouth so I'll just stand here and wait. I think this rock rolled down from a really big hill, and it stopped right in front of the path. But anyway, that's what I do on desert walks.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

Spring Training

Bonjour there. We have Spring Training here in the desert. Really. I know. You are probably wondering why we have it and you don’t. Well, it’s only 80 degrees outside right now. So they have it here and they get to go to the pool after work. Smart, right? My people took me out to buy tickets at a stadium. Well, they probably really wanted to go for a ride, just like me. They copy me a lot. I’m great like that. Anyway, it was a great trip...

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

A turn for the better!

Bonjour there. Well, here in the desert, we don’t really talk about summer the way I’m going to here, but I know lots of people actually don’t live here. Really. I suspect it’s true. But anyway, here’s a new card about Summer everywhere. The Summer of the mind. You know, fun, lazy relaxation, playing, naps and cookies! So this card is different, it’s a “turn for the better.” It starts out to be a vertical and then turns to a horizontal on the back. I know, it’s crazy. But it’s the only way we could get the bit in on the back about the crazy Passion flower chaser. You’ll see what I mean…

Mr. Passion flower Chaser.

An example with writing on front of card.

An example with writing on back of card. (There I am on the left…so cute!)

The card shown front on left and back on right. Ready for pre-order now, arriving in late March.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

One for our Dads.

Bonjour there,

Father's Day is coming, and let's get Dad something besides soap on a rope this time! Let him know you appreciate his heroic efforts as a dad. Below, is Father's Day, the storytelling card. There are how examples of how one might write on the card. These examples just put it all into a simple statement, but there is plenty of room on both side to say more and make a unique gift of your feelings for him. Ready for pre-order now, arriving in late March.

As we said before, our plan this year is to give examples of the new cards in use when we reveal them for the first time.

Father’s Day card, front and back views.

Example of writing on the front of card.

Example of writing on the back of card.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

One for the Moms

Bonjour there. Again. I know I’ve talked more than usual this month, but it’s a short month and I feel we should talk a lot during short months. Make sense? Well, ok, so, here’s another card. This time it’s for Mother’s Day. I know, it’s all about cats, but at least they are large cats with blue eyes. So it’s ok. This time. Anyway, you get to see how writing looks on the examples below and then there’s the full card front and back so you can see it blank. This is what’s known as a reveal in the industry . . . so you can see it first. And, it’s ready for pre-order now. We get it back in late March.

From the front of the card.

From the back of the card.

Front and back card.

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Bonjour! HowdyDo! Bonjour! HowdyDo!

A meeting of the Beautiful People

Bonjour there. This is my Valentine's Day story. I was out with my people and a huge group of high school girls spotted me. Naturally, we wanted to bond. That's just how it is with the truly beautiful. My people thought it was a good idea too. I've never had so many pets at the same time. I think I'll dream about it. What a day.

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